Slemfit Purified Water is only available in 500ml Bottles. It is one of the best drinking waters in ghana with an optimal pH level.
The water is packed in a classy handy and easy shrink pack of 12 for all sizes and 24 cartoon box packs. Our source of water for production is from a mechanized borehole and municipal water source. All products go through a purification and filtration system to remove all particles and materials to make the products wholesome.
Packages available
Slemfit Natural Purified Water is only available on the market in 500ml bottles and 750ml bottles.
Did you know?
According to the Laboratory test, Verna achieves the status as the best-bottled water in Ghana with a pH value between 7.5- 7.8. This test account satisfies its alkaline result making it the best safe mineral water for drinking.The importance of drinking water with the optimal ph level can never be overrated, as it supports your immune system and contains neither acidic nor basic qualities.